Weird DSL packet loss on UBS
2006-08-08 08:16:36 UTC

I've been having problems with packet loss & PPP instability between my router
and my ISP over the last few weeks. It got to epidemic proportions this last
weekend with frequent PPP drops & latency >4000ms at times. I am on a UBS plan
with Maxnet and they claim there is plenty of b/w between themselves and TNZ.

I've been experiencing 10-20% packet loss over the weekend, with PPP dropping
frequently & ATM staying up. Telecom rebooted something in the DSLAM, but that
didn't seem to fix anything. The second weird thing, is that the problem
disappeared ~ 21:30 on Sunday night.

Has anyone else in West Auckland been having problems? Anyone else having Maxnet


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LEE Tet Yoon
2006-08-09 15:33:01 UTC
Post by Nik
I've been having problems with packet loss & PPP instability between my router
and my ISP over the last few weeks. It got to epidemic proportions this last
weekend with frequent PPP drops & latency >4000ms at times. I am on a UBS plan
with Maxnet and they claim there is plenty of b/w between themselves and TNZ.
I've been experiencing 10-20% packet loss over the weekend, with PPP dropping
frequently & ATM staying up. Telecom rebooted something in the DSLAM, but that
didn't seem to fix anything. The second weird thing, is that the problem
disappeared ~ 21:30 on Sunday night.
Has anyone else in West Auckland been having problems? Anyone else having Maxnet
I didn't really notice the latency issue or packet loss (didn't really tested tho altho at one stage I do remember getting packet loss when I was pinging due to connection problems but my connection died soon after that I believe). But I am/was also getting frequent PPP drop-outs (and then sometimes unable to re-connect for at least an hour). I'm not sure if it's fixed itself on Sunday since I thought it occurred yesterday but according to the Ihug MOTD there was an identified problem yesterday so perhaps they're unrelated. ATM/DSL stays connected. It hasn't reoccurred since yesterday so far.

I had thought it may be modem related as at least once it had been disconnected for an hour but after restarting my modem it reconnected but I'm not that certain, it may have been a co-incidence (especially in light of your problems above). I have an M1122 but it's in PPPoA tunneling mode with a m0n0wall firewall making the PPP connection via PPtP and so I can tell from my firewall logs that it was trying to restablish connection.

I'm also on UBS but Ihug not Maxnet and in West Auckland (phone number 83xxxxx)

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Brian Gibbons
2006-08-09 22:04:11 UTC
Post by Nik
I've been having problems with packet loss & PPP instability between my router
weekend with frequent PPP drops & latency >4000ms at times. I am on a UBS plan
with Maxnet and they claim there is plenty of b/w between themselves and TNZ.
We have seen a lot of issues with DSL out west ever since this "fault"

I suspect that Telecom are do a lot of upgrade work out west as we see a lot
of disconnects overnight.

I have a similar issue as you with my home Maxnet connection (North Shore
area)- I gather Maxnet are working on this.

Hopefully things will get better this weekend.



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