Telecom to axe 600 exchanges. LLU and ADSL gone??
paul warner
2004-07-30 07:20:42 UTC
Just came across this article. a day or two ago..
Telecom will take out a whole layer of its telecommunications network by
axing 600 local telephone exchanges by 2012 and will spend $120 million
over the next five years rolling out fibre optic cable to its roadside
I wonder if this will signal the end of ADSL as we know it and also
LLU. Telecom could then argue that they have installed all this fiber and
your not getting it..

Paul Warner

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Brian Gibbons
2004-08-01 23:07:59 UTC
Telecom will take out a whole layer of its telecommunications network by
axing 600 local telephone exchanges by 2012 and will spend $120 million
over the next five years rolling out fibre optic cable to its roadside
I wonder if this will signal the end of ADSL as we know it and also
LLU. Telecom could then argue that they have installed all this fiber and
your not getting it..
It would be the and of ADSL as we know it.

The end of the reliability problems, the end of interleave and hi
latency/round trip times.

If they have fibre to a street box then VDSL for the last kilometre via new
copper at 50mbs then yes it is the end of ADSL as we know it.


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