ADSL-List - Sam
2004-10-26 05:19:29 UTC
Dudes, (I don't think we have any/many females on this list anymore!?)
Is anyone on either of the new 2Meg Jetstream plans yet? I know the
official rollout date was starting November, but since the plans were
actually launched on the 24th, I thought that TC may actually be rolling
them from that date and just telling everyone that it's from Nov to simplify
In any case, I'm very keen to hear from anyone who actually gets upgraded
(when it finally happens) as to what the experience was like and how well it
performs!! :)
Looks like I'll probably be the last person in the country to get connected
as my rollover date is the 24th! :(
Is anyone on either of the new 2Meg Jetstream plans yet? I know the
official rollout date was starting November, but since the plans were
actually launched on the 24th, I thought that TC may actually be rolling
them from that date and just telling everyone that it's from Nov to simplify
In any case, I'm very keen to hear from anyone who actually gets upgraded
(when it finally happens) as to what the experience was like and how well it
performs!! :)
Looks like I'll probably be the last person in the country to get connected
as my rollover date is the 24th! :(
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